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Go Enums

Normal Enum:

type Color int  

const (
_ // Skip a number zero or define a default value
Red Color = iota + 1 // 1
Blue // 2
Green // 3

Flags Enum:

type DamageType int  

const (
Poison DamageType = 1 << iota // 1
Bleeding // 2
Flame // 4

// Has returns a boolean indicating whether the specific flag is present in the set
func Has(set, flag int) bool {
return set&flag == flag

// Remove creates a new set of flags with the specific flag removed and returns it
func Remove(set, flag int) int {
return set &^ flag

// Add returns a new set of flags with the specific flag added
func Add(set, flag int) int {
return set | flag

func main() {
damages := Poison | Flame
fmt.Println(damages.Has(Flame)) // true
fmt.Println(damages.Has(Bleeding)) // false

Namespace Enum:

type Color int  

var ColorEnum = struct {
Red Color
Blue Color
Green Color
Red: 0,
Blue: 1,
Green: 2,

func main() {
