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Default Values to Function Parameters

Functional options pattern

  1. Create a struct to hold our arguments:
type GreetingOptions struct {  
Name string
Age int
  1. Now let’s define the function:
func Greet(options GreetingOptions) string {
return "My name is " + options.Name + " and I am " + strconv.Itoa(options.Age) + " years old."
  1. Define functional options for the fields in the struct:
type GreetingOption func(*GreetingOptions)  

func WithName(name string) GreetingOption {
return func(o *GreetingOptions) {
o.Name = name

func WithAge(age int) GreetingOption {
return func(o *GreetingOptions) {
o.Age = age
  1. Create a wrapper:
func GreetWithDefaultOptions(options ...GreetingOption) string {  
opts := GreetingOptions{
Name: "Aiden",
Age: 30,
for _, o := range options {
return Greet(opts)
  1. Use:
greeting := GreetWithDefaultOptions(WithName("Alice"), WithAge(20))  
// Out: "My name is Alice and I am 20 years old."
